hobby-kube / guide

Kubernetes clusters for the hobbyist.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Can we add a node without destroying the whole setup?

melalj opened this issue · comments

Thanks for this guide!
I'm wondering if we can scale up the nodes without rebuilding the whole stack from scratch?


Maybe an overshoot, but you can have a look on Rancher (a GUI orchestration tool for k8s). You can add and remove Nodes easily by clicking in your browser as well as saving templates of your server configurations. Here are screenshots of the "edit cluster" option:

Bildschirmfoto 2019-03-15 um 10 10 15

Bildschirmfoto 2019-03-15 um 10 10 05

This should work without much hassle using hobby-kube/provisioning.

Even though I never tried this, you should be able to change the node_count variable and run terraform apply. Make sure you have a backup ready before trying this.

I tested incrementing from 3 to 4 and I found it worked fine, one last thing I've not checked yet is it might require re-running some part of hobby-kube/manifests storage to add some rook stuff to the new node

Well, not sure about Rook. It’s best to try or ask the Rook devs, they‘re quite responsive.