hobby-kube / guide

Kubernetes clusters for the hobbyist.

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hcloud provider: ssh: unable to authenticate

michaelbagrov opened this issue · comments


Thank you for this project, it is awesome! But I run into problem I can't resolve.
When trying to provision hcloud server it stuck on connecting to newly created server.
Here is output of terraform:

module.provider.hcloud_server.host: Creating...
 datacenter:   "" => "<computed>"
 image:        "" => "ubuntu-16.04"
 ipv4_address: "" => "<computed>"
 ipv6_address: "" => "<computed>"
 ipv6_network: "" => "<computed>"
 keep_disk:    "" => "false"
 location:     "" => "nbg1"
 name:         "" => "node-1"
 server_type:  "" => "cx11"
 ssh_keys.#:   "" => "1"
 ssh_keys.0:   "" => "work"
 status:       "" => "<computed>"
module.provider.hcloud_server.host: Still creating... (10s elapsed)
module.provider.hcloud_server.host: Still creating... (20s elapsed)
module.provider.hcloud_server.host: Provisioning with 'remote-exec'...
module.provider.hcloud_server.host (remote-exec): Connecting to remote host via SSH...
module.provider.hcloud_server.host (remote-exec):   Host:
module.provider.hcloud_server.host (remote-exec):   User: root
module.provider.hcloud_server.host (remote-exec):   Password: false
module.provider.hcloud_server.host (remote-exec):   Private key: false
module.provider.hcloud_server.host (remote-exec):   SSH Agent: false
module.provider.hcloud_server.host (remote-exec):   Checking Host Key: false


module.provider.hcloud_server.host: Still creating... (5m0s elapsed)
module.provider.hcloud_server.host: Still creating... (5m10s elapsed)
module.provider.hcloud_server.host (remote-exec): Connecting to remote host via SSH...
module.provider.hcloud_server.host (remote-exec):   Host:
module.provider.hcloud_server.host (remote-exec):   User: root
module.provider.hcloud_server.host (remote-exec):   Password: false
module.provider.hcloud_server.host (remote-exec):   Private key: false
module.provider.hcloud_server.host (remote-exec):   SSH Agent: false
module.provider.hcloud_server.host (remote-exec):   Checking Host Key: false
module.provider.hcloud_server.host: Still creating... (5m20s elapsed)

Error: Error applying plan:

1 error(s) occurred:

* module.provider.hcloud_server.host: timeout - last error: ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none], no supported methods remain

as displayed above I'm passing work ssh key to ssh_keys of "hcloud_server" "host" resource, this key is also added to hetzner account and I can ssh to server. So it seems that remote-exec do not use key work.

I'm using 0.11.10 version of terraform and 1.4.0 of hcloud provider.

resolved by running ssh-add