hoaproject / Console

The Hoa\Console library.

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Detect when we are running in screen

jubianchi opened this issue · comments

I don't actually know if screen may cause similar bugs as tmux but perhaps it might be useful to check if we are running in it.

Just like we did for tmux with Console::isTmuxRunning I think we should introduce Console::isScreenRunning.

Even if adapting escape sequences is not required when we are in screen I think this method will still be useful for developers to know from their code if the users is inside a multiplexer.

See here for the original discussion: #53 (comment)

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Why not checking Console::isMultiplexerRunning ? I don't think implementing a method for each multiplexer is the good way to do that.

@Jir4 Correct but we have to deal with each multiplexer… So maybe we should go for Console::isMultiplexerRunning and Console::getMultiplexerName? That's a strange API too…


@Hywan Is it the name really important ? Does something change for each multiplexer ( when we copy for instance ) ?

I don't see all impacts of multiplexers on Hoa\Console

@Jir4 @Hywan I would go for something like Console::isRunningInsideMultiplexer which would just be an helper method for developers using Hoa/Console:

public function isRunningInsideMultiplexer() {
    return static::isTmuxRunning() || static::isScreenRunning();

This would ease the use of this check but still allow us to do isolated internal checks.

Do we agree that this is for private usages, while the visibility will be public I guess.

Any PR?