hoanhan101 / links

Links to interesting learning resources

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This is a place where I keep links to interesting articles, essays, and videos that I found on the internet. Topics include, but not limited to, software engineering, math, physics, history and business.

Table of Contents


A little learning is a dangerous thing; Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring.

Alexander Pope

"Everyone can be taught to sculpt: Michelangelo would have had to be taught how not to. So it is with the great programmers". Perlis is saying that the greats have some internal quality that transcends their training. But where does the quality come from? Is it innate? Or do they develop it through diligence? As Auguste Gusteau (the fictional chef in Ratatouille) puts it, "anyone can cook, but only the fearless can be great." I think of it more as willingness to devote a large portion of one's life to deliberative practice. But maybe fearless is a way to summarize that. Or, as Gusteau's critic, Anton Ego, says: "Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere."

Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years

Just because you know a statement and proof of Fundamental Lemma X, you shouldn’t take that lemma for granted; instead, you should dig deeper until you really understand what the lemma is all about.

Learn and relearn your field

One needs to do a serious amount of reading and writing, and not just thinking, in order to get anywhere serious in mathematics; contrary to public opinion, mathematical breakthroughs are not powered solely (or even primarily) by “Eureka” moments of genius, but are in fact largely a product of hard work, directed of course by experience and intuition.

Work hard

If you concentrate solely on your career, you can get a long way in your career. That’s a strategy that a minority of men preferably do. They work 70-80 hours a week. They go flat our on their careers. They’re staking everything on small probabilities of exceptional status in a narrow domain. It’s hard on them. They don’t have a life. It’s very difficult for them to have a family. They don’t know how to take any leisure activities. They get very one dimension. It means that the uni-dimensional is the price you have to pay to be exceptional at one thing. Because if you’re gonna at a level of a genius mathematician, you’re in a lab all the time, you work 80 hours a week. You’re smart. You’re dedicated. That’s how you get to beat every other people who doing that. That’s the only way. It’s a risky business. You scarify a lot for it.

Most people wound’t do it. They wouldn’t put in 80 hours per week that I have to put in order to dominate that particular area. The reason they decide not to do it is because they think it’s not worth it. No wonder. Because why would that be worth it? You have to ask yourself that. Why do you want to be an outstanding scientist? Ok. Really, that’s what you want. Because that’s what you do. You’re competing with other people. They’re smart. They’re hardworking. If you want to be at the top, you have to be smarter and work harder than any of them. If I am smart and hardworking and I crank out for 80 hours a week and you do it for 30. In 2 years, I’m so ahead of you. You will never ever catch up.

Jordan Peterson - Do You Want To Have A Life? Or Be Exceptional At One Thing?








Other language

Distributed Systems











Links to interesting learning resources