hnmr293 / sd-webui-cutoff

Cutoff - Cutting Off Prompt Effect

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

what to put in "padding token"??? hints?? please?

bryanray opened this issue · comments

what to put in "padding token"??? hints?? please?

what is ID and Single token, these words means nothing to me sorry......

Short answer:
If you are not familiar with CLIP, do not touch there.

Lengthy answer:
Input a token or its ID what you want to use as the padding token.
It is used for replacing each target token.

For instance, if you put , (comma) to padding token and put red to target tokens, the word red in your prompt is replaced to ,.

I wrote implementation details here: #5.

If it is blank, the default value _ (underbar) is used.


thanks!!! this clarify everything!!! good job but please put it on the ::))) so noob like me can read,, but sucks at finding them other than frontpage LOL

I have updated Readme. Thank you!