hmsk / symlink-webpack-plugin

🔗 Make symbolic links among files built by Webpack

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Would like to be able to link to a file whose name includes [hash]

hyanwong opened this issue · comments

I would like to symlink to a file in the build dir, but the file is created using

  output: {
    filename: '[name].[hash].js',

I would like to use the following follow syntax in your plugin, but I don't think it's supported?

    new SymlinkWebpackPlugin({ origin: '[name].[hash].js', symlink: '[name].js' }),

(or possibly just using the [hash] substitution, as I can hardcode the names)


It seems like you can access the hash using the webpack.ExtendedAPIPlugin, which creates a global variable __webpack_hash__, but I can't get this to work as I expect. E.g. I was hoping to do something like this:

  plugins: [
    new webpack.ExtendedAPIPlugin(),
    new SymlinkWebpackPlugin({ origin: 'entry.' + __webpack_hash__ + '.js', symlink: 'entry.js' }),

But I get >> ReferenceError: _webpack_hash_ is not defined. It there any easy way to access this from within the SymlinkWebpackPlugin config object?

Thanks for your effort to find out the way to make that happens :)
[name], [hash] are actually resolved by TemplatePathPlugin on compilation, assetPath hook.

But SymlinkWebpackPlugin works among the emitted outputs where all pathnames are resolved. And supporting all placeholders by TemplatePathPlugin is not a realistic approach in my opinion.

So we need to think about some workaround or another way.
I guess your expectation will be fulfilled by providing another placeholder for "Output filename" right?

I'm wondering if we can write the config as:

{ origin: '[output]', symlink: 'entry.js' }

Probably this makes that [name].[hash].js is linked from entry.js.

Does this work for you? If so, I may work on supporting that 🤔

supporting all placeholders by TemplatePathPlugin is not a realistic approach in my opinion.

I agree! (there are some other libraries that will do the templating for you, e.g. but you probably don't want to reply on other libs)

So we need to think about some workaround or another way.
I guess your expectation will be fulfilled by providing another placeholder for "Output filename" right?

Well, possibly, although I actually am producing 2 output files, and I want to cut the hash out of both, so it might be a bit more complicated. I actually have solved my problem by, instead of using a symlink, using the FileManagerPlugin plugin which can do a copy with [hash] templated filenames, so there's no urgency for me to get this into SymlinkWebpackPlugin, but it would be preferable.


Good point. Need more considerations to support multiple outputs 🤔
FileManagerPlugin seems to provide appropriate features with RegexGlob and [hash]. Let me look into this weekend. Thanks for your input!