hl037 / vue-contenteditable

This plugin provides a `<contenteditable/>` element supporting `v-model`. It also provides some (optional) features, like preventing html input / paste or new lines.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Console warning for missing source map contenteditable.vue.map

madebyfabian opened this issue · comments

Hello there,
the plugin works like a charm, so first of all, thanks for making it! I am using it in the 1.0.2 version, since I am using Vue 2.
As I installed the plugin, I always get this console warning:

DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for http://localhost:8080/contenteditable.vue.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE

it seems that it does want to load a sourcemap to it, what does not make sense since I installed the plugin regularly via npm and it therefore should not want to load any sourcemaps since it's in prod mode.
Would be great if you could look into it, thanks!

I think it's the Vue DevTools that tries to get a source map to enable debugging. The source map may not be present /served if not compiled from sources. Try with the Vue Dev tools disabled to confirm it. If the message does not appear then I think you are good.
I'm in hollydays currently so I won't be able to look into it before 3 weeks...

Hey there, can't test it since I'm not using the package anymore. Will close this ticket for now, since it doesn't affect the functionality of the plugin in anyway.


just delete sourceMappingURL=contenteditable.vue.map from vue-contenteditable/dist/contenteditable.esm.js

then produce a patch file

I think it should be solved by version 4.0.2, with the switch to vite to build. I reopened waiting confirmation.
However, the 1.x branch won't receive further support, because as of today, all frameworks depending on vue have made the switch...

No answer, so I believe it's not a problem anymore