hjmangalam / parsyncfp

follow-on to parsync (parallel rsync) with better startup perf

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how to use ssh weak ciphers to less cpu usage like arcfour

ezako2 opened this issue · comments

how can I use ciphers like arcfour in ssh connection

as I already use this command , and I want to migrate it with parsyncfp

rsync -aHAXxv --numeric-ids --progress -e "ssh -T -c arcfour -o Compression=no -x" /LOCAL_DIR/ user@xx.xx.xxx.xx:/REMOTE_DIR/

as arcfour is weak ciphers also disable Compression and can do less CPU usage

REF: https://galaxysd.github.io/20160302/Fastest-Way-Rsync

Thanks for reply,
To know king of file I have, it's about 77Tb, around 66K file, most of the are large file and already compressed also hard disk has problem and been very slowly (1 rsync ~1Mb/s)

That's why I have choose your project, as before I was doing manually simultaneously of rsync, but yours safe lot of time and work

rsyncopts=, I will testing it and report you

I have more questions please:
1- if I suspended parsyncfp via control-z or control-c, are all current rsync exit like when I exit normal rsync (removed temp file in remote host .file.aefhtd)?

2- can I run multi parsyncfp at the same time, or should I wait untill current finished?

3- I set NP=50, BUT it's make it 30, why?

4- when testing on small directory, it's run in background without summary (seam to be exit, but rsync working in background), why?

Thanks 😊

How far apart (ping-wise, in ms) are the endpoints? Is the 2 servers in the same lab or
across the country from each other?

I found hardware problem in cable in network card, the datacenter has changed them and speeds come back ~100MB/s

Note that to do the full recursion on 77TB, it will take some time, and it may also take
some time for fpart to get ahead of the rsyncs if the data has been partially rsync'ed
already. This is a known 'bug' and I'm looking into how to make the fpart recursion

No, I didn't use it all in one task, I used every 1TB Separately, not more

If you suspend (^z) parsyncfp (pfp), all the dependent rsyncs are also suspended and will
UNsuspend when you UNsuspend the primary process. If you KILL pfp, all the
subsidiary rsyncs are killed. However, the fpart is forked, so it's independent and so you
will have to explicitly kill the fparts separately.

tested and working like what I needed ^C kill all rsync task complete

You can run multiple pfps, but you will have to assign separate altcaches:
tested and working like a charm

50 is much too high (and should be mentioned in the docs). Setting NP higher than ~16
puts too much load on the filesystem unless it's a high perf parallel FS and just confuses
things. It can also overwhelm the network, depending on what kind of network you
have and what the bottlenecks are. NP=8 is a good starting point, especially with large,
already compressed files.

before change corrupted hardware, I don't care about load (it was going to be 50), because already server is down and the only rsync is working, and I got speed at all (~30MB/s)
after change hardware, everything been nice now, same NP=30 * 3, and load not over than 2

This may be a bug that I just discovered - if the number of NP is higher than the number
of chunk files created, it will appear to finish, but will still be running in the background.
So until I add this error checking and bug fix, don't set the NP # higher than the number
of chunk files. You typically wouldn't do this anyway since then there won't be anything
for the multiple rsyncs to do. But I just noticed this with small numbers of chunk files
and large numbers of NP. Fix is coming.

confirmed when decreasing size of the chunk, it's working in a small directory

last notice I found, when running multiple pfp, with change cache name
the summary come all with same transfer rate, in my condition I used 3 pfp NP=30 for every each
and all summary display TCP Out = 117MB/s

I don't know, is that max speed that I can got at all, or what
thanks again for your support and your reply