hjalmers / angular-generic-table

A generic table for Angular 2+. Generic table uses standard markup for tables ie. table, tr and td elements etc. and has support for expanding rows, global search, filters, sorting, pagination, export to CSV, column clicks, custom column rendering, custom export values.

Home Page:https://hjalmers.github.io/angular-generic-table/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Angular 7 has an issue with dragula from ColumnSettingsModule

jackjamieson opened this issue · comments

Currently attempting to move my app to Angular 7. I'm using version 4.17.1 of angular-generic-table

For some reason I had to import DragulaService into my own app module to get this error to actually tell me what was wrong, otherwise it would throw a StaticInjectorError looking for the service. Now it's telling me that

dragulaService.drop.subscribe is not a function coming from angular-generic-table column settings. Really not sure where to go from there.

Maybe has something to do with https://github.com/valor-software/ng2-dragula/blob/master/MIGRATION-v2.md

Downgrading to ng2-dragula v1.5.0 seems to fix this issue. Closing this ticket.