hirosystems / ordhook

Build indexers, standards and protocols on top of Ordinals and Inscriptions (BRC20, etc).

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Waiting for ZMQ messages from bitcoind

levi0522 opened this issue · comments

Dec 28 15:42:42.863 INFO Pipeline successfully processed sequence of blocks (823282 to 823284)
Dec 28 15:42:42.938 INFO Database up to date, service will start streaming blocks
Dec 28 15:42:43.180 INFO Observing Bitcoin chain events via ZeroMQ: tcp://
Dec 28 15:42:43.180 INFO Listening on port 20456 for chainhook predicate registrations
Dec 28 15:42:43.207 INFO Waiting for ZMQ connection acknowledgment from bitcoind
Dec 28 15:42:43.207 INFO Waiting for ZMQ messages from bitcoind

Hey there! These are the logs when ordhook is launching. it'll be waiting for some blocks notifications emitted by bitcoind.
Feel free to re-open your issue if you have a question :).