hirosystems / ordhook

Build indexers, standards and protocols on top of Ordinals and Inscriptions (BRC20, etc).

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db sync gets stuck

GuutBoy opened this issue · comments

Running ordhook db sync --config-path=./Ordhook.toml

Seems to get stuck after a few thousand blocks. It outputs like below :

Dec 15 10:56:47.970 INFO Block #50072 saved to disk
Dec 15 10:56:47.970 INFO Block #50088 saved to disk
Dec 15 10:56:47.970 INFO Block #50104 saved to disk
Dec 15 10:56:47.970 INFO Block #50120 saved to disk
Dec 15 10:56:47.970 INFO Block #50136 saved to disk
Dec 15 10:56:47.970 INFO Block #50152 saved to disk
Dec 15 10:56:47.971 INFO Block #50167 saved to disk
Dec 15 10:56:47.971 INFO Block #50183 saved to disk
Dec 15 10:56:47.971 INFO Block #50200 saved to disk

But then does not proceed.

I also see this line being output which may be a related problem:

thread 'Block data compression' panicked at 'called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value', components/ordhook-core/src/db/mod.rs:1583:59

You probably need to upgrade your bitcoin core to a newer version that supports RPC method 'getblock' with verbosity with the value of 3. It should work with at least v25 or higher.

Upgrading to at least v25 seems to have solved this. Thanks.