hiptest / hiptest-publisher

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Possibility of custom file export format

vpremk opened this issue · comments

hi ,
I'm lead for a fin tech company. They have their own custom test framework for which we are evaluating to replace the ui. To run the tests, we need it in certain format like the following in a flat file. This file will have module name to test, test case name, input and expected output. We also have hooks like all data need to be matched, data is ordered. How can we export in this format?

a2test.testcase  testcase:MODULENAME.Conf  working:Y  dropbaseoutput:Y  comment:"XDP TAQ Conf"
  a2test.topt  testcase:MODULENAME.Conf  matchall:N  ordered:Y  comment:""
  a2test.tmsg  tmsg:MODULENAME.Conf.in.test/010  text:'proto1.TEST_Module21Msg   product_id:test_ibf  channel_id:1  payload:"ldp21.SequenceReset  productID:test_ibf  channelID:1"'
  a2test.tmsg  tmsg:MODULENAME.Conf.in.test/020  text:'proto1.TEST_Module21Msg   txn_id:1  product_id:test_ibf  channel_id:1  sym_id:1  payload:"ldp21.SymbolMapping  symbolIndex:1
  symbol:TESTFIN  marketID:test_test_cash  systemID:1  exchangeCode:XTYS  priceScaleCode:6  securityType:test  lotSize:100  prevClosePrice:35000000  priceResolution
:all_penny  roundLot:no"'
a2test.tmsg  tmsg:MODULENAME.Conf.outexp.ssim/10000  text:'l2xdp.module21TAQ  data:"3,1,TESTFIN,3,1,N,C,100,35,0,0,N,0,0\n"' 
a2test.tmsg  tmsg:MODULENAME.Conf.outexp.ssim/10000  text:'l2xdp.module21TAQ  data:"3,1,TESTFIN,3,1,N,C,100,35,0,0,N,0,0\n"'


Hi @vandanabhandari,

Our hiptest-publisher expert is on vacation at this time, when he'll be back I'll submit to him your request.

Thanks for your patience!


Hi Vandana,

This could be doable with Hiptest-publisher by developing a custom export format (see: https://github.com/hiptest/hiptest-publisher/blob/master/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md)

Alltough, if you do not need the whole structure (folders, action words and so on) but just exporting a "flat" version of the test names, it may be easier to use a XSLT transformer and base it on the XML export of the project.

What could be interesting would be to have a bit more informations, like:

  • what does the scenario look like in hiptest
  • how it should be translated
  • will that be integrated in a CI tool

Well, any extra information is welcome :)