hinedy / WorkBreak-Timer

Improve productivity, Stay focused, and get things done using WorkBreak Timer.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

WorkBreak Timer

Description: Improve productivity, Stay focused, and get things done using WorkBreak Timer.

A Chrome extension using JavaScript that enables you to set timers for Pomodoro-like cycles of work/break sessions.


  • Give your Work/Break session a unique name.
  • Specify the duration of both sessions "25/5 by default".
  • Pause, resume and reset when needed.
  • See the log of completed sessions and their respective durations.


WorkBreak Timer is a browser-based extension that uses chrome API to listen for clicks on the extension icon and create a popup window containing the timer.

JavaScript, HTML, and CSS are used to build this extension.

ProgressBar.js is used to create a circle SVG path that displays current progress.

How it works

When daunted by a huge task it's advised that you divide it into small tasks and address them one by one taking small breaks in between and every 4 small breaks you can take a longer break.

After launching the extension by clicking on its icon you can:

  • Decide on what task you're going to tackle.

  • Set work and break timers

  • Work on your task until the timer goes off

  • now it's time for a small break.

  • Repeat

Folder Structure

|   background.js  
|   ding.mp3 
|   icon.png    
|   manifest.json   
|   package-lock.json   
|   package.json    
|   popup.html  
|   README.md   
|   script.js   
|   styles.css  


It's mainly written in JavaScript, with a simple structure in HTML and a few CSS tweaks in appearance to give it a modern yet elegant look.

/background.js: contains the chrome.action.onClicked function which is responsible for creating and displaying the popup window.

/script.js: holds the content and core functionality of the extension. It contains declarations, event listeners, and functions.

/popup.html: the skeleton of the extension:

Constructed by:

  • a < div > that holds the timer and progress bar.
  • inputs for task label and controller buttons.
  • an unordered list containing session details updated by /script.js.

Skills acquired & Topics researched

  • Time management "No Pun Intended"
  • Better understanding of functional programming in JavaScript.
  • JSON.
  • Packages & npm


This Project is submitted as my final project for CS50’s Introduction to Computer Science Course.


Improve productivity, Stay focused, and get things done using WorkBreak Timer.


Language:JavaScript 57.8%Language:HTML 24.8%Language:CSS 17.4%