hileix / pure-render-deepCompare-decorator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


compare props and state automatically


$ npm install pure-render-deepcompare-decorator --save


If you don't care the data in shouldComponentUpdate, you can just use the decorator way. But you have to install babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy plugin for compilation.

import pureRender from "pure-render-deepcompare-decorator";

class List extends Component {
	constructor(props, context) {
		super(props, context);

	render() {

		return (

If you need to modify logic in shouldComponentUpdate, you can use it like this:

import { deepCompare } from "pure-render-deepcompare-decorator";

class List extends Component {
	constructor(props, context) {
		super(props, context);

	shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {

		// some logic

		var shouldUpdate = /* some logic */

		return deepCompare(this, nextProps, nextState) && shouldUpdate;


	render() {

		return (

Immutable Version



Language:JavaScript 100.0%