hikerpig / pintora-vscode

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Fork example produces syntax error

timfitzzz opened this issue · comments

Hi there,

Thanks so much for your work on this project! It's proven very useful so far. However, I'm having an issue using a fork in an activity diagram. The following code produces a test diagram within Pintora's docs:

  if (multiprocessor?) then
      :Action 1;
      :Action 2;
    else (monoproc)
      :Action 1;
      :Action 2;

If I pop that same code into VSCode, I get the following:

Syntax error at line 4 col 11:

Unexpected NL token: "\n". Instead, I was expecting to see one of the following:

A WS token based on:
    forkSentence$ebnf$2$subexpression$1 →  ● %WS statement
    forkSentence$ebnf$2 →  ● forkSentence$ebnf$2$subexpression$1
    forkSentence → "fork" forkSentence$ebnf$1 %NL ● forkSentence$ebnf$2 forkSentence$ebnf$3 _ forkSentence$subexpression$1 %NL
    statement →  ● forkSentence
    line → line$ebnf$1 ● statement
    conditionSentence$ebnf$2 → conditionSentence$ebnf$2 ● line
    conditionSentence → "if" wordsInParens "then" conditionSentence$ebnf$1 %NL ● conditionSentence$ebnf$2 conditionSentence$ebnf$3 _ "endif" _ %NL
    statement →  ● conditionSentence
    line → line$ebnf$1 ● statement
    document → document ● line
    start → %ACTIVITY_DIAGRAM ● document

I'd love to be able to use the fork keyword! Thanks again!


I'm so glad that you find my work useful.
I've tried the code above with the latest pintora-vscode 0.5.0 and it works well.
Could you try upgrading the extension and see if it's also OK for you ?

@timfitzzz Sorry to bother you, but did your issue fixed?