highlight / highlight

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document sveltekit backend instrumentation

Vadman97 opened this issue · comments

/bounty $20

💎 $20 bounty • Highlight (YC W23)

Payment will be awarded to the first person to successfully merge a PR meeting all requirements. In the event that multiple PRs are submitted for the issue, we will award payment to the highest quality PR (the one that has cleanest code, best test coverage, most thorough, etc.).

Steps to solve:

  1. Start working: Comment /attempt #8032 with your implementation plan
  2. Submit work: Create a pull request including /claim #8032 in the PR body to claim the bounty
  3. Receive payment: 100% of the bounty is received 2-5 days post-reward. Make sure you are eligible for payouts

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@Vadman97 can you please suggest from where to understand the documentation , any already available documentation out there ?