highergroundstudio / myContest

myContest wordpress contest plugin

Home Page:http://highergroundstudio.github.io/myContest/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Images not showing (they show on hover)

Barrytron opened this issue · comments

Downloaded today and installed, working okay but images not showing, just titles



Do you have a url I can view?

Please try updating to 2.0.11. To update: http://highergroundstudio.github.io/myContest/#!/install_updates

In my original post

Okay I updated there. No change.
Deactivated/reactivated afterwards, started a new contest also, no change

I need this working man, and I paid for it, please help!

Try going to myContest->settings->turn on debug. Go back to the contest page and there will be a debug tab. Copy and paste that info here please. Or you could email me a admin account so I can see this firsthand (kyle.king@highergroundstudio.com)

[settings] => Array
[votetime] => 1440
[sort] => none
[regvoteonlyhtml] =>
[s_date] =>
[s_h] =>
[s_mn] =>
[s_txt] =>
[e_date] =>
[e_h] =>
[e_mn] =>
[e_txt] =>
[e_showentries] =>
[socialshare] => 1
[sharedesc] =>
[votenoshow] =>

[entries] => Array
        [528ca42784f8d] => Array
                [entryTitle] => dfghdfgh
                [url] => dfhgdfg
                [entryID] => 528ca42784f8d
                [author] => hdfghdfgh
                [authorurl] => dfgh
                [votes] => 1
                [descr] => 
                [img_url] => http://ouitolecrunchmusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Guitar+Man.jpg

        [528ca43684f8e] => Array
                [entryTitle] => dfghdfgh
                [url] => dfghdfghdf
                [entryID] => 528ca43684f8e
                [author] => ghdfghdfgh
                [authorurl] => fghfh
                [votes] => 0
                [descr] => 
                [img_url] => http://ouitolecrunchmusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/musician_2.jpg


Settings Array Debug

myContest_settings Object
[settings] => Array
[minify_css] => 1
[minify_js] => 1
[debug_on] => 1
[query_support] => 1
[mycontest_powered] => 1
[purchase_code] => 8c44c9a5-9190-494f-a18d-e014bad95b10
[beta_tester] => 1


I think this may be a problem with the foundation wordpress theme you are using. Try switching themes and see if it fixes this. For some reason the height of the images are being set to zero. I have never seen this.

I switched themes and this showed the most recent contest showing it's image. Rest showing broken link
Do you want to try and fix or can I get refunded?

How did you add the images?

The pencil button in the image box when adding new entry

So what's the deal, any ideas? Had a look, are there other ways to add images? Let me know need to get this sorted asap

That is the best way. I am not sure what is causing this without playing around with this on your server setup. Could you make a cloned development wp of your site? This may be a plugin conflict with another poorly coded plugin as well. There are so many variables it is hard to say without hands on the site.

The only plugins activated are myContest and WP google fonts

Okay I have created clone site with same theme on same server. Same problem

Mailing you login details


I will check this out as soon as I receive the login details. So far no joy.

I am looking at the bug right now.

The image is there and loading but something is making it have zero height. Can you email me your purchase code so that I can update to version 2.0.11 (newest version) since this is 2.0.7.

I found the problem. It is the theme changing the height of the image to zero for some reason. Changing to Twenty Thirteen theme fixes this bug. This is definetly a theme plugin (the theme must have been poorly coded to create a issue with myContest). You will need to fix or change the theme since this is not a problem with myContest.

Wouldn't have paid for this useless plugin if I knew it wouldn't have worked. You should warn people that it may not work and you can't explain why.

What are my refund options

Dude, this is NOT a problem with myContest but your poorly coded theme. There are three options for you:

  1. You can fix your theme
  2. Change the theme
  3. Don't use myContest

Well it's just that it's a premium plugin costing 16 bucks and it doesn't work. It promised:

"Theme independent design"

So that's why I'm confused. If there was a disclaimer stating that it may not work then I wouldn't have paid for it. Maybe you should take that last part down

It is a theme independent design but I cannot stop poorly coded themes from screwing it up. It is just not possible.