highergroundstudio / myContest

myContest wordpress contest plugin

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Admin interface has style problems in 2-column screen view

rhdesign opened this issue · comments

Using Wordpress 3.6 on Firefox.

When the "screen options" is set to 2-column view (which is wordpress default), the myContest field does not seem to be styled correctly based on width. Not only that, but there is no way to scroll sideways to edit the second entry as it is now mostly offscreen.

Also, the myContest action items (nav) up top do not properly flow to a second line.

I have attached a screenshot of these issues.
screen shot 2013-10-23 at 4 12 41 pm

What is the size of your screen? This looks like you have a smaller screen and the tabs are trying to arrange themselves to fit.

The resolution is 1280x1024 (fairly standard computer monitor), this is my second monitor and yes, if i make it full screen on my 1920 primary monitor its fine, but most of my users that will be working with this are on regular laptop or 1280 monitors. Can you possibly make the admin interface more responsive to handle any size monitor?

Under Screen Option (top right, under howdy, user) set your number of column to 1 for screen layout. Works for me.

Yes, I am aware that the 1-column screen option does make it functional; however, that is a personal wordpress preference and I cannot count on every one of my companies users to set their preferences to that, especially when the entire rest of the system and pages they edit are in the 2-column format.

I have mine always set to two columns and have not seen this problem. My laptop's screen is 1600x900, so it is smaller than yours. I cannot understand why this would be doing this on your side as I do not have the same problem:

Could you give me a admin login so that I can view your myContest admin? If so email it to me at kyle.king@highergroundstudio.com.

If your resolution is 1600 then your screen is big enough that you won't see the issue because that is bigger than my 1280. Again, i can expand my window big enough that I am able to edit everything fine; however, I build websites for a very large corporate team of non-technical people so I don't know what resolutions they are running and they will likely be all different. This whole ticket is really more of an "improvement" request rather than a bug. I was hoping the individual entry boxes could be styled with percentage widths rather than hard widths so they can respond to any screen size.

Also, because I work in a very corporate environment, I am not allowed to give access to the system to anyone, including plugin developers unfortunately (i know, I have tried in the past).

I have already added this to the roadmap which I am working on currently. myContest in the next release should be extremely customizable for any situation.