highergroundstudio / myContest

myContest wordpress contest plugin

Home Page:http://highergroundstudio.github.io/myContest/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Don't Got "myContest" in the Dashboard Menu

AceDZN opened this issue · comments

Hey There!
I've Just installed the Plugin but I can't see the Menu Item in the dashboard.
Also, When I'm Adding a new contest & Preview it - I See the contest content duplicated it breaks the & tags (& of course in the right content place...) see the screenshot attached.
Best Regards
Alex Sindalovsky

A new version is rolling out today. Try this and let me know if it fixes it.

Version 1.4.0 came out today. Please follow the update instructions to install and let me know if this fixes the problem.

I've Updated the Plugin - Everything is the same...
Still Breaks with The Yoast SEO Plugin, No Menu Icon...
also, Now When I'm Voting I See my vote - but if I refresh the page I see 0 Votes while the item I voted for is green & all the votes are disabled :\

I test with the yoast SEO plugin on my development site and it is not broken. I think this may be another plugin causing this. What plugins do you have installed?

It happens only when the yoast plugin is active, thought maybe something wrong with the theme, but it's the same on twentytwelve

I am not sure without seeing the problem first hand. You could set me up as an admin so I could check out the problem. My email is kyle.king@highergroundstudio.com.

myContest version 2.0.1 rolled out across beta and regular updates. Fixed the Wordpress SEO bug and voting bug. See if this fixes your problem as well.

Cool, The wordpress SEO doesn't breaks it anymore. But still don't got the myContest Menu Item :\

Hmm...What other plugins do you have installed? I bet this is another plugin trying to take the same menu spot.

Maybe, I'll try to check it

If you feel that you can, you could open myContest.php and comment out line 324: 'menu_position' => 100, or change it to 'menu_position' => 109,

This will tell me if it is another plugin messing with the menu position for some reason.

I've changed it manually - now it looks great :) 10x

Great! Did you change it to 109? I will change this for the next release.