highcharts / highcharts-vue

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

X Axis uses old data after changing chart options

gmalafsky opened this issue · comments

I have multiple issues with using HC in Vue but the one for this issue deals with changing the data for the chart by modifying chart options which is bound to the highcharts component element. First time works OK with category labels. Next, change to line type with number x axis and while it plots line OK the x axis labels show all the prior category names and then continues with integer values. Nothing I can do changes this behavior, such as setting options to null, etc. I cannot get a direct reference to the HC object since it does not exist in the DOM.


Hi @gmalafsky

Thank you for contacting us, and sorry for you've been waiting so long for the answer.
Are you running our official Vue wrapper, or using Highcharts natively? If you're using this package, we would appreciate you to provide the demo where all described problems will be reproducible. Are you able to produce a minimal example?

Kind regards!