highcharts / highcharts-react

The official Highcharts supported wrapper for React

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Chart values and options doesn't trigger re-render

Manuelandro opened this issue · comments

Hello, i'm using the "optimal way" to update the chart when some props changes, but the chart doesn't re-render.
Am i doing something wrong?

export default function Chart({ series, navigator }) {
  const [options, setOptions] = useState({
    xAxis: { min: navigator.min, max: navigator.max },
    series: series

  useEffect(() => {
    setOptions({ ...options, series: series });
  }, [series])

  useEffect(() => {
    setOptions({ ...options, xAxis: { ...options.xAxis, min: navigator.min, max: navigator.max  } });
  }, [navigator])

  return <HighchartsReact highcharts={Highcharts} options={options} />;

Hi @Manuelandro,

Thank you for contacting us!

I see that you unnecessary adding already applied options to chart update here: setOptions({ ...options, series: series });
It is enough to use: setOptions({ series });

However, I wasn't able to reproduce the problem by using your code. Please check the below live example and adapt it to show the issue.

Live demo: https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-mphu35?file=index.js

Best regards!

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