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Linux distribution optimized for audio playback

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References to spotifyd in documentation - should this be vollibrespot instead?

niklasdewally opened this issue · comments

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I was trying to see what further configuration of the spotify daemon I could do within hifiberry.

According to the docs Spotify uses spotifyd and the associated spotifyd.conf (https://github.com/hifiberry/hifiberry-os/blob/master/doc/services.md). However, the /etc/spotifyd.conf file is empty, and both systemd and the webui indicates that HifiBerry uses vollibrespot.

There is a vollibrespot.conf file which I presume is what I need to change, but this was not indicated in the docs.

Describe the solution you'd like

The documentation should be updated to reflect the current services and config files used (vollibrespot and vollibrespot.conf).

I am not sure if /etc/spotifyd.conf is present on a clean-build of the current main or not, but if so it should be removed entirely.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Additional context
Hifiberry version 20230404

Yes, we're using Vollibrepot today. Feel free to directly edit the documention with the "Edit this file" functionality of Github and send a PR.

Thanks for the confirmation - I'll prepare a PR to remove references to spotifyd.

@hifiberry dbus.md features a command to play/pause spotifyd - can I remove this entirely as its out of date, or should I try to find an alternative using vollibrespot?

volllibrespot doesn't use dbus anymore. We have replaced spotifyd by vollibrespot as the dbus interface on spotifyd often stopped working :(

With more containarization in the future we hope to integrate players easier. Maybe that's another chance for spotifyd. But it's not in the a short term planning.