hieutdle / inverted-index

Inverted Index and TF-IDF in Go

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Thirteen month series

Each month is a seperated project/course inspired by HPI seminar/courses.


  1. Silver January - Cargo: Efficient writing of dataframes to Postgres with Go - Interoperability in Data Processing Pipelines - HPI
  2. White February - Search Engine: Inverted Index and TF-IDF in Go - Big Data Systems - HPI

Silver January

This project is a part of Cargo: Efficient writing of dataframes to a Postgres database

Cargo is a seminar project from Interoperability in Data Processing Pipelines - Hasso Plattner Institute.


  • to_sql is a common step in data science pipelines, but existing solutions are slow and cost a lot of memory
  • The paper ConnectorX: Accelerating Data Loading From Databases to Dataframes speeds up loading process from database to pandas by using Rust binding and data partitioning
  • We try to reverse the process using Go binding and Goroutines as data partitioning to speed up writing process from pandas to database


We convert the Pandas Dataframe into Arrow format using pyarrow.Table.from_pandas() and then passing the pointer to the Arrow data to Go using Ctypes shared library and The Arrow C data interface.

We also use COPY command and fastest Go Postgres Driver pgx.

For the data partitioning, each goroutine will construct, hold the same amount of data, open multiple connection and write data to the database in parallel.


All solutions are faster than Pandas:

  • Go Arrow: 10x
  • Psy: 7.5x
  • Go CString: 1.8x

Go Arrow is my solution, Psy and Go CString are my teammates solutions.

With 8 partitions (8 goroutines), Go Arrow has more 1.72x improvement (total 17.2x)

My solution also consume 2.1x less memory usage than Pandas (but worse than friends' solutions)

White February

This project was inspired by Big Data Systems course from HPI.

Inverted Index

Indexes is a data structure to find data item quickly.

  • Key -> Data
  • Often unique key

Typical examples:

  • Binary tree
  • Hash table
  • B-tree

In a search engine:

  • Find document that contains word(s)
  • Data -> Key
  • -> Inverted Index

Consider a text document collection as a relation

  • Each word in the text collection is a boolean attribute
  • An attribute is true if the documents contains the word anywhere
  • Document(hadCat,hasDog,hasHouse,...)

Inverted Index:

  • Build a secondary index on every attribute (word)
  • But: Only true values are indexed
  • Build index pointing from word to secondary index for that word


  • Combine with document markup: title, abstract, body, anchor, header,...
  • Store position of word

  • Pointers in bucket
    • To a document
    • To a position in a document
  • Extension:
    • Bucket does not only store position but also other metadata
    • Type (Title, Abstract, Text, Table,...)
    • Formatting (Bold, Italic, Underline,...)
  • Queries: AND, OR, NOT
    • Operating on pointers sets

Building an Inverted Index

Input: Collection of documents

  1. Tokenization
    • Extract all words from each document
    • Remember the source document for each word
    • Embarassingly parallel
  2. Inversion
    • Merge word lists and collect pointers to documents per unique words
    • Need data exchange


In information retrieval, TF-IDF, short for term frequency–inverse document frequency, is a numerical statistic that is intended to reflect how important a word is to a document in a collection or corpus.

  • Term Frequency (TF)
    • How often does a word occur in a document?
    • TF = Number of occurrences of a word in a document / Total number of words in the document
  • Inverse Document Frequency (IDF)
    • IDF = log(Total number of documents / Number of documents with term t in it)
  • TF-IDF = TF * IDF


Inverted Index and TF-IDF in Go

License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:Go 85.9%Language:Python 12.5%Language:Makefile 1.6%