hierynomus / sshj

ssh, scp and sftp for java

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use watchdog to close session failed.

wangjunhan2018 opened this issue · comments


I use jnc library,it use sshj.
when close(), error as fllows, please help me!!! Thank you!!!

2024-03-15 01:17:13.585 WARN 10666 --- [ Thread-3] com.baidu.jnc.SSHSession : read timeout, closing session
Exception caught while closing net.schmizz.sshj.connection.ConnectionException
at net.schmizz.sshj.connection.ConnectionException$1.chain(ConnectionException.java:32)
at net.schmizz.sshj.connection.ConnectionException$1.chain(ConnectionException.java:26)
at net.schmizz.concurrent.Promise.tryRetrieve(Promise.java:179)
at net.schmizz.concurrent.Promise.retrieve(Promise.java:137)
at net.schmizz.concurrent.Event.await(Event.java:105)
at net.schmizz.sshj.connection.channel.AbstractChannel.close(AbstractChannel.java:266)
at com.baidu.jnc.SSHSession.close(SSHSession.java:260)
at com.baidu.jnc.SSHSession$TimeoutWatchdog.run(SSHSession.java:100)
Caused by: java.lang.InterruptedException
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.await(AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.java:2197)
at net.schmizz.concurrent.Promise.tryRetrieve(Promise.java:170)
... 5 more


Is there anyone can answer this question?

I am a maintainer of the original JNC library, so I can comment: an exception in TimeoutWatchdog means that reading from the remote device took longer than the read timeout you set for your SSH session. But you are using jnc from com.baidu, so you should ask them if more details are needed.