hhvm / type-assert

Hack library for converting untyped data to typed data.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[BC broken] Exception type for `DictSpec::assertType()` changed between 3.6.1 and 3.6.2

lexidor opened this issue · comments

In my attempt to allow slackhq/hack-json-schema to run on hhvm 4.27, I found that the newer hhvm versions failed the test suite. After hours of debugging I pinned it down on this concept.

use namespace Facebook\TypeSpec;
use namespace Facebook\TypeAssert;

async function main_async(): Awaitable<void> {
  require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.hack';

  try {
    $spec = TypeSpec\dict(TypeSpec\string(), TypeSpec\mixed());
    $spec->assertType([1, 2, 3, 4]);
  } catch (TypeAssert\TypeCoercionException $t) {
    echo "You are running TypeAssert 3.6.1\n";
  } catch (TypeAssert\IncorrectTypeException $t) {
    echo "You are running TypeAssert 3.6.2\n";

In ObjectConstraint::check() they catch TypeCoercionException to detect and fallback to an array check instead. This exception is now no longer caught. This caused a handful of test failures.

It appears like this change was made intentionally. I'll rewrite the code in hack-json-schema to work with both exception types.

Commit by @fredemmott

The intent is that TypeCoercionException should never be thrown by assertType, and IncorrectTypeException should never be thrown by coerceType

I have updated the affected code in hack-json-schema. Now it will now work with both exception types. You are right about throwing IncorrectTypeException. It just broke some software out in the wild. Closing.