hhvm / homebrew-hhvm

Official Mac OS X Homebrew formula for HHVM

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brew should not ship double-conversion files

mjhostet opened this issue · comments


It can't use standard double-conversion, it uses a patched version.

  • we statistically link, so we don't need to ship these files; can you file an issue (or send a pull request) against https://github.com/hhvm/homebrew-hhvm
  • for now, you probably want brew unlink double-conversion


  • Fred

On Nov 20, 2017, at 8:51 AM, Mat Hostetter mjh@fb.com wrote:
Hi Fred, @aorenste suggested I contact you.
The Skip (formerly Reflex) build uses HHVM to test Mac transpilation.
Unfortunately, hhvm seems to be fighting with other installs over double-conversion, which it doesn't even list as a dependency.
I don't know much about brew, any thoughts here?

[mac ~/ReflexLang] brew install hhvm
Warning: hhvm/hhvm/hhvm 3.23.1 is already installed, it's just not linked.
You can use brew link hhvm to link this version.

[mac ~/ReflexLang] brew link hhvm
Linking /usr/local/Cellar/hhvm/3.23.1...
Error: Could not symlink include/double-conversion/bignum.h
Target /usr/local/include/double-conversion/bignum.h
is a symlink belonging to double-conversion. You can unlink it:
brew unlink double-conversion
To force the link and overwrite all conflicting files:
brew link --overwrite hhvm
To list all files that would be deleted:
brew link --overwrite --dry-run hhvm

[mac ~/ReflexLang] brew link hhvm
Linking /usr/local/Cellar/hhvm/3.23.1...
Error: Could not symlink include/double-conversion/bignum.h
Target /usr/local/include/double-conversion/bignum.h
is a symlink belonging to double-conversion. You can unlink it:
brew unlink double-conversion
To force the link and overwrite all conflicting files:
brew link --overwrite hhvm
To list all files that would be deleted:
brew link --overwrite --dry-run hhvm

[mac ~/ReflexLang] brew link --overwrite --dry-run hhvm
Would remove:
/usr/local/include/double-conversion/bignum.h -> /usr/local/Cellar/double-conversion/3.0.0/include/double-conversion/bignum.h
/usr/local/include/double-conversion/cached-powers.h -> /usr/local/Cellar/double-conversion/3.0.0/include/double-conversion/cached-powers.h
/usr/local/include/double-conversion/diy-fp.h -> /usr/local/Cellar/double-conversion/3.0.0/include/double-conversion/diy-fp.h
/usr/local/include/double-conversion/double-conversion.h -> /usr/local/Cellar/double-conversion/3.0.0/include/double-conversion/double-conversion.h
/usr/local/include/double-conversion/fast-dtoa.h -> /usr/local/Cellar/double-conversion/3.0.0/include/double-conversion/fast-dtoa.h
/usr/local/include/double-conversion/fixed-dtoa.h -> /usr/local/Cellar/double-conversion/3.0.0/include/double-conversion/fixed-dtoa.h
/usr/local/include/double-conversion/ieee.h -> /usr/local/Cellar/double-conversion/3.0.0/include/double-conversion/ieee.h
/usr/local/include/double-conversion/strtod.h -> /usr/local/Cellar/double-conversion/3.0.0/include/double-conversion/strtod.h
/usr/local/include/double-conversion/utils.h -> /usr/local/Cellar/double-conversion/3.0.0/include/double-conversion/utils.h
/usr/local/lib/libdouble-conversion.a -> /usr/local/Cellar/double-conversion/3.0.0/lib/libdouble-conversion.a
[mac ~/ReflexLang] brew info hhvm
hhvm/hhvm/hhvm: stable 3.23.1 (bottled)
JIT compiler and runtime for the Hack language
/usr/local/Cellar/hhvm/3.15.2_1 (3,653 files, 93.0MB)
Built from source on 2016-11-15 at 11:01:48
/usr/local/Cellar/hhvm/3.18.0_1 (3,961 files, 99.9MB)
Built from source on 2017-02-15 at 16:14:15
/usr/local/Cellar/hhvm/3.23.1 (3,778 files, 121.4MB)
Poured from bottle on 2017-11-19 at 11:56:41
From: https://github.com/hhvm/homebrew-hhvm/blob/master/hhvm.rb
==> Dependencies
Build: autoconf ✔, automake ✔, cmake ✔, dwarfutils ✔, gawk ✔, libelf ✔, libtool ✔, md5sha1sum ✔, pkg-config ✔
Required: boost ✔, freetype ✔, gd ✔, gettext ✔, glog ✔, gmp ✔, icu4c ✔, imagemagick@6 ✔, jemalloc ✔, jpeg ✔, libevent ✔, libmemcached ✔, libsodium ✔, libpng ✔, libxml2 ✔, libzip ✔, lz4@1.7.5 ✔, mcrypt ✔, oniguruma ✔, openssl ✔, pcre ✔, sqlite ✔, tbb ✔
==> Requirements
Required: macOS >= 10.12 ✔
==> Options
Make an unoptimized build with assertions enabled. This will run PHP and
Hack code dramatically slower than a release build, and is suitable mostly
for debugging HHVM itself.
==> Caveats
To have launchd start hhvm/hhvm/hhvm now and restart at login:
brew services start hhvm/hhvm/hhvm
Or, if you don't want/need a background service you can just run:
hhvm -m daemon -c /usr/local/etc/hhvm/php.ini -c /usr/local/etc/hhvm/server.ini

Fixed in hhvm@2018.02.27; if no surprises come up, that will mean it'll be fixed in the main hhvm package for 3.25. If that goes well, will backport the fix.