hhvm / homebrew-hhvm

Official Mac OS X Homebrew formula for HHVM

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HHVM 3.24 removed

Daemeron opened this issue · comments


It seems that hhvm 3.24-lts was removed. When? Why? And why readme does not mention it?

3.24 has been unsupported since the 12th of December, following our usual release cycle

Various homebrew changes made it uninstallable - both bottles and source - without changes. Using it would either require forking this repository and backporting changes, or having a complete mirror of homebrew from December.

I see. Thank you very much for an explanation.

FWIW, the binaries can still be downloaded directly at https://dl.hhvm.com/homebrew-bottles/ - but I don't think they're particularly useful as they depend on other binaries such as old versions of glog, PCRE, and Boost which are no longer available through homebrew - and I don't think brew provides a supported way to directly install a bottle

Yes. Already tried this approach as well as compiling from source based on forked tap and it is how you say it is, dependencies upgraded without a way to downgrade them are the main issue. Perhaps the only way now is to fork those dependencies, link hhvm source to them and compile.

Anyway, thank you for the tips.