hhaAndroid / mmdetection-mini


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can you train yolov5?

WangPeng19981204 opened this issue · comments

i can not train yolov5 with your code ,report error ' ValueError: Target size (torch.Size([16, 1200, 1])) must be the same as input size (torch.Size([16, 17000, 1]))',it seems that have prombles on network ,i find two prombles,the first is the neck of yolov5 is none ,the neck code need to write,the second is anchor size of yolov5 is that of yolov3 ,which need to be modified. finally ,thank you for you great work ,Look forward to your reply!

i can not train yolov5 with your code ,report error ' ValueError: Target size (torch.Size([16, 1200, 1])) must be the same as input size (torch.Size([16, 17000, 1]))',it seems that have prombles on network ,i find two prombles,the first is the neck of yolov5 is none ,the neck code need to write,the second is anchor size of yolov5 is that of yolov3 ,which need to be modified. finally ,thank you for you great work ,Look forward to your reply!

I have the same problem

nn.Conv2d(make_div8_fun(256), 255, 1),

I think the reason is that the yolov5Head‘s output channel number is hard coded.

I have the same problem. How to fix it? Thanks !!

I have the same problem. How to fix it? Thanks !!

setting as
nn.Conv2d(make_div8_fun(256), (classNum+5)*3, 1),