hfreire / get-me-a-date

:heart_eyes: Help me get a :cupid: date tonight :first_quarter_moon_with_face:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Need contribution guidelines

pierreclr opened this issue · comments

Hi there,

I'd like to help on that project so I tried to create a small PR (close dialog after like / pass) and when I try to commit, the git pre-commit hook

running bin/pre-commit.js script
Has untracked files in folder.
Please delete or ignore them.

So I commented the line and again, a problem about commit format
INVALID COMMIT MSG: does not match "<type>(<scope>): <subject>" ! was: Close dialog after like / pass
INVALID COMMIT MSG: "feature" is not allowed type !

I suggest to add contribution guideline in the repo.

Anyway, I really like this project and the code style :)
However I'm quite familiar with DialogFlow, if you want me to create a smalltalk (I'm french so I can handle this part)

Hi Pierre!

You are right! This repo is missing contribution guidelines and instructions on how to contribute. I'll add some ASAP!

The error you stumbled upon must be related with the pre-git dep pre-commit hook that refuses to commit if there are untracked files not included in the commit - not sure if this is a nice behaviour to have :( (?!)

Smalltalk would be a really interesting feature to have here :)

not sure if this is a nice behaviour to have :( (?!)

My untracked file is env.sh. I can just add it to .gitignore if you want. Or just bypass the feature from pre-commit hook ? Your choice :)

OK! From c505263 you should be able to have untracked files in your workspace - changed pre-git commit behaviour.

Hi Pierre!

Let's follow up with the smalltalk behaviour on #32 :)