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Visual Tools?

inforeqd512 opened this issue · comments


Are there any visual tools to create the domain design eg. like visual paradigm exists for SSAD?
I could not find any using google search so checking with you if any exist per your experience.



Domain Map might be relevant. Anyhow, worths a check out.


Generally it's advised to keep resources from planning and modelling sessions informal so you don't get bogged down by the details of how to use a certain visual tool or make a diagram that looks appealing. People know how to use pen and paper so the full focus is on the task at hand that way. In most cases, these exercises are intended to be done collaboratively and generally pen, paper and post its with the right people in the room lend themselves much better to getting event storming, context maps and so on created efficiently. This may explain why there aren't too many tools available.

Yes I agree somewhat... really need it for two reasons. Firstly to put down my initial thoughts on what things look like.. And once the discussion have happened, to capture it as shared document that can be collaborated upon on maintained as project documents for the devs to understand the domain.

@kayesshu . Thank you for your suggestion. I was finally able to try that and it looks good!!.
Will try out on more modules of the project to get some fluency.. this looks promising. 👍

"domain map" url does not work, is there a new url somewhere?

@pouledodue https://github.com/domainmap/app says it's currently "Domain Map is shutdown for now."
Also here is a relevant tweet to him: https://twitter.com/kayessHU/status/879679769419370497