heyibrahimkhan / mScripts

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


My repository containing useful scripts. This'll grow with the years

  1. Powershell Scripts:

    1. Screenshots.ps1: Alt+Tabs to directly next window and screenshots all pages while pressing Page Down
  2. Shell Script:

    1. dontshutoffscreen: Need to install xdotool first Replicates key strokes after specific inetrvals, so the computer doesn't go to sleep mode 3:)
  3. Pyhon Script:

    1. text_to_csv: Converts a text file to csv file. See the file. it's commented. So, even if it doesn't work for you, it should give you the idea, what to do

    2. usm_raw_log_ip: Give path to a list of IPs separated by \n and it will generate query like 'ip=IP1 or ip=IP2 or ip=IP3' and writes output to filename+'done'

    3. usm_netflow_ip: Give path to a list of IPs separated by \n and it will generate query like 'ip P1 or ip IP2 or ip IP3' and writes output to filename+'done'

    4. search_key1: Give path to a directory containing multiple files and search for a keyword in each line of every file in the directory. If found, write to output file



Language:Python 69.5%Language:PowerShell 27.8%Language:Shell 2.6%