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When fetching a dependency, a file keeps being added while not present in its repo

mathieuprog opened this issue · comments

I depend on

 {:mobile_number_format, "~> 0.2.0"}

In /deps/mobile_number_format/lib there's a file named segmented_mobile_number.ex that is added.

It is not in the remote repo:

I tried to delete /deps, /_build, the .hex cache, the .git cache, ...

But nothing works. Whenever I fetch the dependency through mix deps.get, the file segmented_mobile_number.ex will be present in /deps/mobile_number_format/lib.

The file segmented_mobile_number.ex is a file that I used to have locally. It should never have been pushed. Before I deleted it from the file system, the command git status said the file was Untracked.

Thanks to help on Discord I found out it was published to Hex but not GitHub