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Release canditate version resolution incorrect after two digits

eliasdarruda opened this issue · comments

How to reproduce

If i have the following dependency:

{:my_dependency, "~> 1.0.0-rc9"}

and I upgrade to:

{:my_dependency, "~> 1.0.0-rc10"}

It will resolve to rc9 instead of rc10.

Expected output

Resolve to rc10 instead of rc9


I haven't tested for other versions other than release canditates.

Can you change rcN to rc.N (ie separated by dot) and see if it works? Per spec the former should be compared lexically but the latter numerically.

@wojtekmach that solves it

{:my_dependency, "~> 1.0.0-rc.11"}

Great, thanks for checking. I believe we can close this.