hexinteractive / QR-Clock

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

QR Clock is a art piece poking fun at the opaque machine layer that we plaster between people and content.
The QR Clock is an art piece poking fun at the opaque machine layer that we use to connect people and content.
The QR Clock is an artistic experiment poking fun at the opaque machine layer that we use to connect people and content.
The QR Clock is an artistic experiment poking fun at the opaque machine layer that the interface between people and content.

- use figure and figcaption
- make baked in clock face image current
_ clean up stringMinutes and offset (move offset to date object)
    - d = new Date( (new Date).valueOf() + (60 * 1000))
- research sharing methods between Node and the browser
- listen for image.onerror and retry getting the image
- wire up the power button to toggle stop()/run()
- confirm that unused image objects are being destroyed.

- http://www.the-qrcode-generator.com/
- http://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chf=a,s,000000&chs=280x280&cht=qr&choe=UTF-8&chld=%7C0&chl=CODE-CONTENT-HERE
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3225251/how-can-i-share-code-between-node-js-and-the-browser
- https://developers.google.com/webfonts/docs/getting_started
- https://github.com/pivotal/jasmine/wiki/Matchers



Language:JavaScript 65.8%Language:CSS 34.2%