hexcowboy / spicyblog

A spicy Django blog plugin with support for Markdown and beautiful pure CSS

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

πŸ“š Documentation

Documentation is currently a work in progress.

πŸ’» Development

To get started with development, you will need to create a Postgres database:

createdb blog                         # Creates PostgreSQL database locally
createuser blog -P                    # Create a user and prompt for password

Next, export the following environment variables with the information you just entered for the database.

export DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=$(uuidgen)   # Generates a UUID for a secret key
export POSTGRES_HOST='localhost'      # The address of your postgres server
export POSTGRES_PORT='5432'           # Default postgres port 5432
export POSTGRES_DB_NAME='blog'        # Database name (created in last step)
export POSTGRES_USER='blog'           # Database user (created in last step)
export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=''           # Database password (created in last step)

Start a new virtual environment of your choice, or use

python3 -m venv env/
source env/bin/activate

Install dependencies

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements/development.txt

πŸ§ͺ Testing

Install dependencies (note: the testing dependencies are included in the development dependencies)

pip install -r requirements/development.txt

Run unit tests

nox -s test

Run linting tests

nox -s lint

🀝 Contributing

To make future contributions more smooth, all pull requests must retain a 100% code coverage. All code should be tested, formatted, and linted. If all sessions pass, the pull request can be considered for merging.

Formatting before a pull request:

nox -s format

Testing, linting, and formatting

nox         # Fix any errors, broken tests, or missing coverage before submitting a PR


A spicy Django blog plugin with support for Markdown and beautiful pure CSS

License:MIT License


Language:CSS 52.0%Language:Python 33.6%Language:HTML 14.4%