heussd / mirror-to-bitbucket-github-action

GitHub Action to mirror your repository to Bitbucket

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Can't access repos inside organisation with a different name than the username

kimapril9 opened this issue · comments

Is it possible that we have organisation name and user name parameters instead of username being used for space and user?

Sure, I can add more parameters to support this.

In order to develop and test this feature, could you please provide me more info about your setup? Looks like I don't have such a "organisation" in my free Bitbucket account. You could potentially also provide me a demo repository which I could use to develop the support for.

Thanks for inviting me to your private repo. This helped me understand your feature request.

Please check out the latest version of the action. I added support for specifying a space name of the repo other than a user name.

Please send me feedback if this solves your request.

That worked really well. Thanks mate!