hetznercloud / csi-driver

Kubernetes Container Storage Interface driver for Hetzner Cloud Volumes

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storageclass.storage.k8s.io "standard" not found

PascalSalesch opened this issue · comments

Using the following config

  - metadata:
      name: storage
        volume.beta.kubernetes.io/storage-class: standard

Pods will be stuck on pending:

$ kubectl describe pvc storage

  Type     Reason              Age                   From                         Message
  ----     ------              ----                  ----                         -------
  Warning  ProvisioningFailed  119s (x26 over 8m1s)  persistentvolume-controller  storageclass.storage.k8s.io "standard" not found

Available storageclass is hcloud-volumes, which I could of course use.

$ kubectl get storageclasses

 hcloud-volumes (default)   csi.hetzner.cloud   Delete          WaitForFirstConsumer   true                   19m

But it was unexpected that standard is not available, since this is a basic storage class that doesn't provide any specific performance or availability guarantees. It is often used as a default storage class.

I think it is fair to assume that standard means hcloud-volumes when csi.hetzner.cloud is the provisioner

Hey @PascalSalesch,

I dont think there is an agreed upon naming for Storage Classes that all csi-drivers are following. Our default StorageClass that will be installed in Kubernetes following the guide is called hcloud-volumes. This storage class IS marked as default, so if you do not explicitly specify a storage class then it will be used.

To make this clearer to users I would suggest we add a small info text to the K8s - Getting Started guide, that states the name of the StorageClass and that its the default.

Leaving out the field is a solution for my problem. I was hoping I could use the same config for minikube and hcs. Thank you!

You can also create your own StorageClass with whatever name you prefer. Here is the hcloud-volumes Storage Class with a changed name:

kind: StorageClass
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
  name: standard
    storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class: "true"
provisioner: csi.hetzner.cloud
volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
allowVolumeExpansion: true