herotc / hero-rotation

WoW Addon - Attempt to provide the useful and precise information to execute the best possible DPS rotation in every situation.

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[Bug]: Outlaw Rogue Between the Eyes for Trinkets

unrealshape opened this issue · comments

What version of HeroRotation are you using?


What version of HeroLib are you using?


What version of HeroDBC are you using?


What is the issue?

Hello everyone,

We have a change to the spell "Between the Eyes" which does not add a debuff and therefore the fall will never occur for the Trinket.

Best regards

if Settings.Commons.UseTrinkets then -- actions.cds+=/use_item,name=manic_grieftorch,if=!stealthed.all&!buff.adrenaline_rush.up|fight_remains<5 if I.ManicGrieftorch:IsEquippedAndReady() and Target:FilteredTimeToDie(">", 2) and not Player:StealthUp(true, true) then if HR.Cast(I.ManicGrieftorch, nil, Settings.Commons.TrinketDisplayStyle) then return "Manic Grieftorch"; end end -- actions.cds+=/use_item,name=windscar_whetstone,if=spell_targets.blade_flurry>desired_targets|raid_event.adds.in>60|fight_remains<7 -- actions.cds+=/use_items,slots=trinket1,if=debuff.between_the_eyes.up|trinket.1.has_stat.any_dps|fight_remains<=20 -- actions.cds+=/use_items,slots=trinket2,if=debuff.between_the_eyes.up|trinket.2.has_stat.any_dps|fight_remains<=20 local TrinketToUse = Player:GetUseableItems(OnUseExcludes, 13) or Player:GetUseableItems(OnUseExcludes, 14) if TrinketToUse and (Target:DebuffUp(S.BetweentheEyes) or HL.BossFilteredFightRemains("<", 20) or TrinketToUse:HasStatAnyDps()) then if HR.Cast(TrinketToUse, nil, Settings.Commons.TrinketDisplayStyle) then return "Generic use_items for " .. TrinketToUse:Name() end end end end end

Icon Behavior


Outlaw has not yet been updated for 10.2.