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Redis basic plans are not SSL whereas production plan are.

ombr opened this issue · comments

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We realized while upgrading our redis instances that basic redis plans are not using self signed certificates whereas premium plans are all using SSL and thus requiring in ruby verify_mode: none

I think this is breaking dev/prod parity on review apps. Mini plans should also only provide rediss secured URLS.



@ombr Thank you for logging this!
Basic plans on Heroku Data for Redis allows for SSL connection if you are using REDIS_TLS_URL as documented here: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-redis#security-and-compliance
I hope this helps.

Hi @jbrown-heroku yes I got this, but it should be the default for redis_url as it is the default in premium plans!
If I am upgrading to a premium plan my app will crash if I don't change the code to support SSL. (This break dev/prod parity)

@jbrown-heroku the fact that REDIS_TLS_URL is not defined at all for production plans (instead of defining it with the TLS URL, which would be the same than REDIS_URL) makes it hard to use it though, as an app using REDIS_TLS_URL to get TLS in review apps would then crash when being promoted to production because the env variable it uses does not exist.

@stof Thank you for clarifying the issue here. That's definitely something we can look into improving. I will take this to discuss internally on how we want to approach this and get back here.

Here is the proposed idea:
Make REDIS_URL always TLS, and prepare REDIS_INSECURE_URL as an interim solution for customers that may require non-TLS for now. After some weeks, we want to remove this to uniformly offer TLS across our offerings.
This should resolve the issue as mentioned @stof ; please let us know your thoughts.

Switching to TLS everywhere would make sense to provide uniformity. But then, it would be great to work on #148 to make the TLS work out of the box (right now, using a TLS REDIS_URL without changing the code would lead to connection errors because (almost?) all libraries validate the certificate by default)

Thank you @stof @ombr for contributing to this discussion.

We will perform REDIS_URL unification in an effort to close this gap. Upcoming change announcement is here.
This is a two-step process for mini plans in a "musical chair" fashion where we introduced REDIS_TEMPORARY_URL as insecure connection (non-TLS) and we will switch REDIS_URL to TLS on the specified date. At completion, we will remove both REDIS_TEMPORARY_URL and REDIS_TLS_URL. If the library is able to use both redis:// and rediss://, then no change should be necessary.