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failed to run rusty-hermit on QEMU qemu-system-aarch64

hky1999 opened this issue · comments

Hello, I tried to run Rusty-hermit of aarch64.

As procedure on github ci, I built rusty-demo with cmd :
cargo build -Zbuild-std=std,panic_abort --target aarch64-unknown-hermit --package rusty_demo

I built rusty-loader with cmd:
cargo xtask build --target aarch64
Then "rusty-loader" is copy to rusty-hermit dir as file named "rusty-loader-aarch64"

I try to boot rusty-demo on qemu with cmd

qemu-system-aarch64 -semihosting \
            -kernel rusty-loader-aarch64 -machine virt,gic-version=max \
            -m 512M -cpu max -smp 1 -display none -serial stdio -kernel rusty-loader-aarch64 \
            -device guest-loader,addr=0x48000000,initrd=target/aarch64-unknown-hermit/debug/rusty_demo

But the QEMU says that:
qemu-system-aarch64: -device guest-loader,addr=0x48000000,initrd=target/aarch64-unknown-hermit/debug/rusty_demo: 'guest-loader' is not a valid device model name

How can I fix that, which QEMU version do you guys use?
Looking forward for your reply, thanks a lot!

BTW, my QEMU version is 5.0.0

➜  rusty-hermit git:(master) ✗ qemu-system-aarch64 -version             
QEMU emulator version 5.0.0 (v5.0.0-1-gd1f9ed8ea7-dirty)
Copyright (c) 2003-2020 Fabrice Bellard and the QEMU Project developers

Do I need a newer QEMU?