hermit-os / hermit-rs

Hermit for Rust.

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Hermit does not work correctly on AArch64: freezes after rusty-loader jumps into kernel

playXE opened this issue · comments

qemu-system-aarch64 -semihosting -serial stdio -kernel rusty-loader/target/aarch64-unknown-hermit-loader/debug/rusty-loader -machine virt -m 512M -cpu max -smp 1 -display none             
[LOADER] Enter startup code
[LOADER] Loader: [0x40000000 - 0x412fa000]
[LOADER] Allocating 0x230 bytes at 0x410E6340, index 0
[LOADER] Allocating 0xC0 bytes at 0x410E65C0, index 640
[LOADER] This is a supported HermitCore Application
[LOADER] Found entry point: 0x7c34c
[LOADER] File Size: 475660 Bytes
[LOADER] Mem Size:  676992 Bytes
[LOADER] start 0x4000dddc, size 0xa5480
[LOADER] Load HermitCore Application at 0x41400000
[LOADER] Jumping to HermitCore Application Entry Point at 0x4147c34c

Nothing happens after this Jumping message
rusty-loader is built with HERMIT_APP set to the path of hello_world kernel