herbertscruz / herbertscruz.github.io

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A little about myself

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Welcome to my page

I'm Herberts and I'm an expert in cloud solutions architecture. I love to study and share everything I know about technology, as I believe that knowledge only makes sense if it is shared. I'm not afraid to face challenges, because they make me grow. I like people, I'm only here for their feedback, whether in the position of leader or led, I learn a lot from them.

Contact me

Soft Skills

Communication, Empathy, Objectivity, Persuasion, Ethics, Attitude, Initiative, Proactivity, Agility, Purpose/Result Focus, Resilience, Positivity, Leadership, Mentoring, Responsibility, Planning, Teamwork, Collaboration, Motivation, Patience, Holistic Vision, Sharing Knowledge, Creativity, Time Management, Change Management, Continuous Improvement, Critical Thinking, Conflict Resolution, Problem Solving and Decision Making.

Hard Skills

On-premise; Cloud computing (Public, Private or Hybrid); EA (Enterprise Architecture with TOGAF); 5W2H; Domain-driven design (DDD); SOA; API; Monolith First; Monolithic Architecture; Twelve-Factor App; Microservices Architecture (Orchestration and Choreography); Microservice Patterns; Event-driven Architecture (EDA); Sidecar; Stateful and Staleless Architecture; OLAP; OLTP; DNS; Gateway API (North-South Traffic); Service Mesh (East-West Traffic); Load Balance (Server-Side Service Discovery in a Service Registry with routing to available instance); Web Application Servers; Caching Service; Database Servers; Job Queue; Job Services; Full-text Search Service; Cloud storage; CDN; Contract First; Mobile First; Functional Programing; OOP; SOLID; KISS; DRY; SoC; TDA; YAGNI; Micro Frontends; Monorerepo; SPA; SSG; SSR; ISR; RESTfull; SOAP; SEO; Design Patterns; SOA; Ports and Adapters (Hexagonal Architecture); Onion Architecture; Clean Architecture; Evolutionary Architecture; Package by Layer and Package by Feature; Conventional Commits; Semantic Version 2; Git Flow; GitHub Flow; CI/CD; Unit Tests; TDD; Arrange-Act-Assert; BDD; Given-When-Then; Mutation Testing; Integration Tests; Functional Tests; End-to-end Tests; Performance Testing (Load Testing and Stress Testing); Smoke Testing; Exploratory Testing; Data-Driven Culture; Haddop Architecture; Lambda Architecture; Team Leader; Cascading Communications; Team Planning and Delivery; Team Building Activities and Culture; Team Protection and Happiness; Team Productivity and Metrics; Team Visibility and Recognition; System Roadmap Development; Development Process; Scrum Master; Scrum; Kanban; XP; Coach/Cleaner XP; UML; RUP; OAuth2; OpenID Connect v1.0; SAML v2.0; Token Exchange; Federation Identity; OWASP Cheat Sheet Series.

Frontend Developer

HTML; CSS; SASS; LESS; SCSS; Stylus; Bootstrap; SemanticUI; Bulma; Buefy; Vuetify; Angular Material; Recharts; Nebular; PrimeNG; MUI; Javascript; ES5; JQuery; AngularJS; VueJS 2; NuxtJS; ES6+; TypeScript; Angular 2+; ReactJS; NextJS; Remix; Storybook; TailwindCSS; Styled Components; SocketIO; NVM; YARN; NPM; Yeoman; Bower; Grunt; Gulp; Webpack; ViteJS; Babel; Karma; Jasmine; Protractor; Jest; Material Design; Websocket; WebServices.

Backend Developer

Golang; JDK 5+; JSF; JSP; Primefaces; J2EE; JTA; EJB; JMS; JPA; Hibernate; MicroProfile; Vertx; Spring Boot; Sprint Cloud; Spring Batch; Quarkus; SwaggerUI; OpenAPI; JUnit 4+; Mockito; Cucumber; Testcontainers; iReport; AWT; Swing; JavaFX; Flyway; EhCache; Maven; Checkstyle; NodeJS; ExpressJS; Loopback 2+; NestJS; AWS Amplify; GraphQL; Jest; Mocha; Chai; Supertest; Elasticsearch; Sequelize; TypeORM; BluebirdJS; Lodash; Underscore; Firebase; NVM; YARN; NPM; PHP 5.6; PHP 7+; Zend Framework 1+; Apigility; Symfony 1+; Laravel 5.4+; Doctrine; Propel; Eloquent ORM; PHPUnit; PSR; Composer.

Data Science

MySQL; PostgreSQL; Oracle; SQLServer; H2; MongoDB; Redis; HDFS; RabbitMQ; AMQP 1+; IBM MQ; Tibco EMS; Apache Artemis; Metabase; Looker; Data Studio.


Shell Script; AWS; Heroku; Jenkins; Gitlab CI; TravisCI; Vercel; Drone CI; Codeship; SVN; GIT; Artifactory; Helm Charts; Kubernetes (OpenShift); Rancher; Argo CD; Vagrant; Docker; Docker Compose; Apache; Nginx; Tomcat; JBoss; SonarQube.

Dev Tools

Keycloak; Keycloakify; KrakenD; Kogito; Prometheus; Alert Manager; Grafana; Jaeger; Sentry; ELK; Google Analytics; Google Tag Manager; Amplitude; Hotjar; MailChimp; Mandrill; SendinBlue; SendGrid; Social Media APIs; WSO2; Istio; JMeter; K6; Notion; Confluence; Jira; Draw.io; Miro; Archimate.


    Completed in September/2022
    Completed in Abril/2016


I manage my time well, recording and prioritizing my tasks, focusing on what is most important and essential. I tend to be accurate or have a small margin of error in my estimates. I am able to communicate with technical audiences or not, I practice active listening, transmitting information with objectivity and persuasion. I am disciplined, so remote work is natural for me since 2019. I believe it is essential to share knowledge, in recent experiences, for example, I had the opportunity to give Dojos, Lectures, Workshops and Training. I am a facilitator leader, who works with a coach and mentor, who favors collaboration and listens to his team members in decisions, as I realize that the team is more efficient when it has ownership and can apply it in a collaborative and self-manageable atmosphere. I received good feedback from excellent professionals who identified in me these skills I mentioned.
