hepabolu / mytap

MySQL Unit Testing Suite

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MySQL Version 8.0 support

animalcarpet opened this issue · comments

table_sha1() is he only function that doesn't pass the test suite. Looks like a MySQL bug, fix or remove?

Can you add either a skip or a todo to indicate that it fails due to a bug?

Skip in the test, yes. It is also possible to drop the function using a separate patch file for version 8 so that it's not available to be called in this version. So far I've only being using this mechanism to add or update but it could be used to drop features as well. If my suspicion is correct about a bug, then the feature could be removed in one patch and restored for a later version.

I've created a new branch with v8 fixes. Scope has enlarged somewhat on what I was planning as I have also extended the point version control to be a bit more granular which has meant renaming files and updating the install files and tests to be aware of the specific point version associated with a change. v8 required a skip for the sha1 test and also some changes for partitioning where behaviour has changed internally with the dropping of the generic PARTITION ENGINE and some new escaping on the stored definitions.

Testing the autotap script against v8 also turned up a bug because of the changes I'd made to col_has_type for the last release, I've included the fix for that too.

This fixes v8 support for the existing feature set. There'll be plenty of new features in v8 that we're not yet testing but that task will have to be left for now.

Next tranche of changes for v8 is in my branch feature/roles which needs the outstanding pull request merged in first. Any chance you could look over the PR, it's nice to have some sanity checking on the code.

I’m really busy right now. I can check it again over the weekend. I checked the first pull request earlier and noticed nothing weird but I need more time to check it more thoroughly.

That's fine. It's difficult to know people's schedules unless you work closely together and you are obviously busier than me at the moment.

When you do get some time it might be a good idea to try and schedule a a skype call or hangout for a chat about development goals and priorities for the project. I keep finding areas where I'd like to develop functionality that is more suited to general systems and configuration testing rather than unit testing on the schema per se (e.g. the roles functions), it would be nice to get your thoughts on the suitability of developing tests in that area.

PR #31 for roles functions.
