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Windows Installer - Exceptions

lololosys opened this issue · comments


What's this issue about?

Windows (x64) Felony installer return exceptions.

Expected behavior

Install Felony smoothly

Actual behavior

When firstly running the felony binary an exception window pop out with a messages of System.AggregateException: One or more errors occured-> System.Exception: Could not acquire lock, is another instance running

after couple seconds the exception window disappear and then another exception window shows up that with System.Net.WebExceptions : The remote server returned an error(500) Internal Server Error

Steps to reproduce

Install the compiled version of Felony for Windows


Windows 7 Professional ServicePack 1 x64
Build number: 7601

Same issue occurred for me. Felony-0.10.3-win.exe. Same error,

Windows 10 Pro
Version 1703
OS Build 15063.608

Same issue on Windows 10 Home 64-bit. Also occurs with version 0.10.2

+1, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit. Felony version 0.10.3