henry232323 / Pesterchum-Discord

A Discord client mimicking the Pesterchum chat client from Homestuck, Uses a lot of code from my Pesterchum Client

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Trying to get this to work... failed to log in.

shinyjiggly opened this issue · comments

Alright so, I found my token using these instructions https://discordhelp.net/discord-token , since the instructions in the readme seemed to be outdated and pasted it into the box and I got a failed to connect message.
I'm assuming this client needs to be updated or something? I ran the updater and tried again but got the same result.
I use windows 10 and I also had discord open on the same machine. The token I got was a hella long alphanumeric string (which I will not share because that's basically asking to be hacked) so I figure I used the right thing.


Ah I think Discord may well have had an update since the last release, I'll investigate this


Check out the newest release :)