springeye / vue-for-idea

This is vue plugin for idea

Home Page:https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/9188

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node-modules is hidden

murbanowicz opened this issue · comments



On gitter few people confirmed the same issue.
This plugin is causing an issue with node-modules folder... no idea why

Can confirm

@mariaczi @CRYBAT This is not a problem.I deliberately hide his show in the idea.


@Henjue I think it's causing issues with some autocompletion and also, sometimes you want to take a look at some files inside node_modules to understand what's going on in background. Can you unhide it ?

我刚开始接触vue,今天也遇到了这个问题。刚开始以为是自己设置的有问题,花了2个小时的时间也没找到原因。最后无奈卸载webstorm重新安装的过程中才发现是vue for idea插件引起的。在学习过程中我会查看node_modules里面的源码,这个问题可以修复吗?

I have the same issue

@yin-fan 收到,下一班我加入设置项。是否显示node_modules

搞了半天问题出在这个插件身上,我还以为是 WebStorm 测试版的 bug。

i met the same problem

I can confirm. I have the same issue. node_modules is hidden when vue-for-idea is activated. This is really anyoing.

Version: PHPStorm 2016.2

Confirming for WebStorm 2016.1 / 2016.2

This is significant bug. Vue plugin shouldn't make such a big side effects as hiding important folders.

Definetely a bug. This makes the plugin unusable!

Not only node_modules folder. I create a folder and a file in this folder, and then I delete the new file, the folder is hidden.


It affected all projects not only for vue projects!



please remove this "feature"!

@Henjue can we know why you do that? makes your plugin unusable for me.

Hiding a folder without explanation is frustrating. Forcing it to be excluded should be the decision of the plugin user, not the plugin author.

The Node.js plugin doesn't do this, so why should the Vue plugin? The PHP Composer support in PhpStorm doesn't do this with the vendor folder either (though it does put all the external libraries in the External Libraries part of the Project tree).

Yeah, this is obviously a bug that the developer refuses to look into.

Too bad.

After trying to find the code that hides the folder in this plugin, I can't see it consciously being being removed. It really looks like a bug. That said I don't know the inner workings of JetBrains/IDEA.

For the record, @Henjue, I contacted JetBrains support about node_modules disappearing, and they were the ones who sent me a link to this GitHub issue, and within 12 hours too! They know this plugin is doing this weird thing.


I've uninstalled this plugin, and have switched to John Kelly's Vue.js plugin. It has more stars.

@Henjue we're receiving quite a lot of complaints about this issue via JetBrains support channels. We’d really appreciate if you fix this problem as well as incorrectly closed #28, otherwise we'll be considering removing this plugin from the plugin repository.

any news?

The plugin has been removed from the repository due to reasons stated in my previous comment and due to no cooperation from the author. Please use John Kelly's Vue.js plugin

Weird stuff, moving to John Kelly's Vue.js plugin

Also I've mention this bug on stackoverflow: How to integrate WebStorm with Vue.js


Just a note for anyone more at home in idea plugin development.
In the branches pw and develop there is a setting in the plugin.xml file:
<treeStructureProvider implementation="io.j99.idea.vue.structure.VueTreeStructureProvider"/>
This line references the file plugin/src/main/java/io/j88/idea/vue/structure/VueTreeStructureProvider.java. On lines 29, 33 and 34 is the offending code. If these lines are to be removed, I think it is best to remove both the plugin.xml line and file, since the file won't do anything anymore.

Just my 2 ct.

@chancezeus if you've found a problematic code it may be a good idea to fork this repository. Consider this ;)

@denofevil as I see this plugin is published again without fixing reported bug: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/9188 😕

@piotros, thank you for the update.

@Henjue, please resolve issues mentioned above, or that upload will be removed too

Seems that latest version has also broken code completion and identation, too :/

@piotros, the plugin approval was removed, new versions (and re-uploads) won't get it until this issue is resolved

The reason this plugin is not viable is because there's a huge blocker bug in it at the moment which must be fixed.


@amcsi Sorry, it seems that I misunderstood

Still an issue as of 10.0.74.. :(

I had to remove the plugin.


Looks like this plugin is not going to be fixed any time soon unfortunately for vue developers that prefer using IDEA. @Henjue, probably hasn't got time for it anymore or lost an interest.

@asolopovas: Check out this alternative, it's much better: https://github.com/postalservice14/vuejs-plugin (just be aware of postalservice14/vuejs-plugin#8)

@callumacrae I am using this one. It has its own issues. It does not detect default export when components are imported. Because export default is within script tags. Sass does not work properly in components.

@asolopovas: If you put type="text/babel" on the script tags and rel="stylesheet/scss" on the style tags, it works. It sucks, but it's better than the problems with this plugin.

This problem confused me for really serveral months, and I blamed to webstorm before...Really cann't agree with #46 (comment), so I have to drop this plugin...

楼上的各位,其实webstorm自身有个功能,在文件夹上右键 Mark Director as -> Excluded 。这个功能可以把文件夹从 webstorm 的文件加载中排除掉。目的就是为了避免加载大文件过慢的问题。



Having the same issue with 2106.3, installed on Nov. 22. I do not have the Vue plugin installed. Turns out that when Javascript Support is enabled, the node_modules directory is hidden. Hoo boy. I have submitted this through app support channel.

@wvezey: Woah, seriously? I'm going to hold off updating, then!

@denofevil: Is the above true?

@callumacrae cannot confirm yet, you can follow https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-24387 for the updates
screen shot 2016-11-25 at 20 50 04

@callumacrae @denofevil l have not gone through all of the plugins to test their culpability in this issue, but I can say with certainty that the visibility of a node_modules directory toggles with the enabled state of the JavaScript Support plugin. I read the issue that @denofevil posted above; it looks like this behavior is intentional. Access to node_modules comes in pretty handy when debugging. Even on the day after Thanksgiving.

@wvezey can you please provide a screenshot including title bar like the one that I've posted above?

@denofevil you bet

With JavaScript Support plugin enabled:


With JavaScript Support plugin disabled:


@wvezey you have Project files selected as a Project view scope, it shows you only project files without library ones (node_modules is considered to be library source). If you select Project via dropdown on the top you will see node_modules too

@denofevil Right you are! Thank you very much for your very quick and thorough help.


Wow, this cost me more than an hour fiddling around with my settings, filing a bug with WebStorm lead me to this issue. 😕

Plugins should never make these decisions for the user. If it really adds to the experience, offer it as an option in the plugin settings.

Guys if you would vote on this issue on the Jetbrains issue tracker, maybe we could get official VueJS support some time in the not so distant future: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-19082

Here is the list of WebStorm tickets sorted by most votes, filtering out resolved tickets. We're doing really well so far

Just unbelievable stupid!!! And I only say this because he (the owner) said he did it on purpose :O. Luckily I found out what caused this rather quick. I can imagine what some went through to find the issue and I bet there are still allot of people that did not found out...



@wushuang5112 你把 vue-for-idea 这个插件给卸了就好了,应该时插件没写好