hendeavors / BetterPipeline

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A library designed to make use of the pipeline pattern.

Custom pipelines

You may extend the generic pipeline and override the process method defined

public class ProcessOrdersPipeline : Pipeline<OrdersCollection>
    public ProcessOrdersPipeline()
    // you must override the Process method

Creating stages

You must implement

// stage one
public class CreateOrder : IStage<int>
    public int Execute(int input)
        // some logic to create an order

        return 0;

// stage two
public class ProcessPayment : IStage<int>
    public int Execute(int input)
        // some logic to process a payment

        return 0;

// stage three
public class SendInvoice : IStage<int>
    public int Execute(int input)
        // some logic to send an invoice

        return 0;

Putting it all together


Pipeline<int> pipeline = new ProcessOrdersPipeline();
// alternatively you may use the Register method to add your stages
pipeline.Pipe(new CreateOrder())
.Pipe(new ProcessPayment())
.Pipe(new SendInvoice());



Dim pipeline As Pipeline(Of Integer) = New ProcessOrdersPipeline()
// alternatively you may use the Register method to add your stages
pipeline.Pipe(New CreateOrder())
.Pipe(New ProcessPayment())
.Pipe(New SendInvoice())

If you want to return a different type within a stage:

// A stage
public class SendInvoice : IMixedStage<bool,int>
    public bool Execute(int input)
        // some logic to send an invoice

        return false;

Note: If you wish to use a mixed stage, you must inherit from MixedPipeline.

Getting Started

The pipeline runner conveniently implements the Process method

Pipeline<int> pipeline = new PipelineRunner<int>();
// using the Register method
pipeline.Register(new CreateOrder())
.Register(new ProcessPayment())
.Register(new SendInvoice());
// the result is determined by the last stage

The aggregate pipeline runner works the same as the pipeline runner except that it uses the result from a previous stage as input into the next stage. A mixed stage is not supported here.

Pipeline<int> pipeline = new AggregatePipelineRunner<int>();
// using the Register method
pipeline.Register(new CreateOrder())
.Register(new ProcessPayment())
.Register(new SendInvoice());
// the result is determined by the last stage

The task pipeline runner implements a mixed pipeline where the input can be a different type than output. Again, this pipeline runner implements the process method.

TaskPipelineRunner<int> p = new TaskPipelineRunner<int>(3);
p.Pipe(new CreateOrderTask())
.Pipe(new ProcessPaymentTask())
.Pipe(new SendInvoiceTask());



  1. Support asynchronous processing
  2. Allow for more arguments
  3. Tests,Tests,Tests



Language:C# 100.0%