helmetjs / content-security-policy-parser

parse content security policy directives

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

If a user provides __proto__ as policy name, behaviour is changed.

pnappa opened this issue · comments

Potential odd effects if an attacker can supply input.

Node 21.6.1:

const parse = require('content-security-policy-parser');

const x = parse("default-src 'self'; __proto__ foobar");
console.log('raw print:', x);
console.log('toString:', x.toString());


raw print: Array { 'default-src': [ "'self'" ] }
toString: foobar

This can't really be made into an exploit I think, but I guess it's unusual behaviour?

Suggested fixes: Whitelist the valid CSP policy commands (default-src, etc). Alternatively, you could also block __proto__ and prototype, but the former probably is nicer behaviour (it's handy to have invalid types stripped out). Or, use Object.create(null) instead of {} when you create the result variable.

Thanks for reporting. I'll fix this soon.

This has been fixed in content-security-policy-parser@0.5.0. Thanks for reporting!