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stable/prometheus-node-exporter daemonset tolerations

spothound opened this issue · comments

Hello there,

I have some nodes in my K8s cluster with NoExecute taints. This prevents my kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus-node-exporter daemonset pods from being scheduled in those nodes.

I was looking for a way to add a toleration for those pods and I found that there is already a generic toleration:

  - effect: NoSchedule
    operator: Exists

This is OK but to ignore all NoSchedule taints but won't be enough for NoExecute taints. I think that the chart should have an option to ignore all taints or to add custom tolerations, or maybe the mentioned toleration should be updated to:

  - operator: Exists



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Hi, @spothound - Please see https://github.com/prometheus-community/helm-charts/ for any input you'd like to make to the community-maintained Prometheus charts - thanks.