helius-labs / helius-sdk

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

requestAirdrop throws a StructError from superstruct

d-reader-josip opened this issue · comments

Steps to reproduce

const endpoint = "https://rpc-devnet.helius.xyz/?api-key=<API_KEY>" // insert API key
const connection = new Connection(endpoint, 'confirmed');
const signature = await connection.requestAirdrop(
  new PublicKey('<WALLET_ADDRESS>'), // insert some wallet address
  1000000000, // 1 Solana

// Things broke down at this point but in case they start working it's nice to wait for transaction confirmation
const blockhashWithExpiryBlockHeight = await connection.getLatestBlockhash();
await connection.confirmTransaction(
    signature: sign,


Issue happens in the create and validate functions from the superstruct package

 * Create a value with the coercion logic of struct and validate it.

export function create<T, S>(
  value: unknown,
  struct: Struct<T, S>,
  message?: string
): T {
  const result = validate(value, struct, { coerce: true, message })

  if (result[0]) {
    throw result[0]
  } else {
    return result[1]

Any updates on this issue? Haven't checked if it's still existing or not. Maybe with the node version downgrade things got fixed?